I'll have you know I gave "DrAndy" a $15 deposit.
It is fully refundable should I find his answer unsatisfactory. As I got deeper and deeper into www.justanswer.com I found that refunding would be much more difficult than anticipated. I ended up talking to Camille on the phone for about 30 minutes. It's good to have a use for my weekend minutes, but I never thought it would be with Camille and for this reason. She was a smooth talker, but all who are familiar with me know that I'm as smooth as they come. After listening to her spiel for about 8 minutes, I made the vomit noise that I've been made famous for. She asked if I was okay and what that sound was. I told her it was the sound of my body rejecting the crap she was trying to feed me. She did not find that clever but I hit her with some more gold during the course of our conversation. After what I am calling "War of Wits '09" I not only got my $15 back, but I got a $25 gift certificate to Home Depot. Those changes I wanted to make to the attic are about to come to fruition.
Who won in all of this? Certainly not Corbin. You could have saved a life Dr. Scott, but you had DrAndy pounce on me. Shame on you. Shame on all of you. Also, who will be driving me to Home Depot?
ima give you my car when i leave.
Given the level of obvious not-truth your blog is usually filled with, I find myself wanting to believe this story in its entirety. Ergo, I will. Have fun at Home Depot; I hear they fire pregnant women for bad customer service when they're not on the clock.
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