Wednesday, September 9, 2009


I LOVE SCHOOL. school is like the most fun thing in the world. Today I am making like so many posts. I decided that one post per class is a good start. I am in geology and I will be sure to include the joke of the day for Dane because he loves jokes. He really likes when jokes are about pirates and steering wheels.

JOKE OF THE DAY: What do you call a cow with three legs? LEAN BEEF. What do you call a cow with one leg? STEAK. What do you call a cow with no legs? GROUND BEEF. Jokes are fun.

Kelli and I played M*A*S*H during class because we are super smart and don't need to pay attention. I've got good news. I found a sweetheart and we had children. You were wrong Mom, I did find someone.

I will live in a House.
I will drive an ivory delorean.
I married Courtney and had 5 children.
I am a geologist and live in oceanside.

Can you believe I pay tuition to do this?

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