Wednesday, September 9, 2009


It hasn't felt right creating these new posts and not including a picture of me and Kelli. In this particular picture you can learn a lot about Dane, Kelli and myself. It is apparent that Dane loves fun. He is able to find joy and happiness in all situations. Dane also loves different shades of green. I remember one of the first times I was playing NBA Hangtime with him he actually told me that his favorite color was green. I thought that was weird but he insisted that we share that type of information with one another so that we could be more unified as a team. He was right, Thorpe and Hill scored a dizzying amount of points that game. Go Pistons!

The things we can learn about Kelli in this picture are too numerous to list, but I'll highlight a few. It is obvious that she is super into me. Also, she hates different shades of green. One of my first memories of her was set in Provo, Utah. She was trying to get me to go to the movies with her but I kept telling her I was unable to attend. She then spent three to four minutes ragging on the green shirt I was wearing. She really hated it. Because it was green. I don't think that is fair but I understand that she was upset about the movie. Maybe next week, Kelli.

Now, what can we learn about M.E.? Well...
super handsome
great hair
loves lanyards
some of the most gorgeous blue eyes
flawless complexion
keeps cool in times of pressure
able to empathize
clearly has an IQ that exceeds 165
probably great handwriting
quick learner
great with a highlighter
great with a kiln
great with marsupials.
I'll stop there. Feel free to continue this list in the comments if you need to.
I feel obligated to mention that most everything, except for the list about me, is not entirely true.


Anonymous said...

Great kisser.
Palatable voice.
Fantastic Triceps.
Glorious lips.
Youthful glow about his eyes.

Fulfilled Mormon Mom said...

Son, you ARE a handsome Adonis-type. I love the haircut--didn't know about your abilities with a kiln--was mesmerized by the cow jokes--and am feeling SO incredibly lucky to be your Mom. I would like a picture of your children, know...that would be interesting. Hugs and kisses....

Kellee Marie Cook said...

I can't believe you left out that you are part robot which makes you a lot stronger than most dudes. lucky mike.

take that dicaprio.

From the Life of MCP said...

how about a great vomit-er? very few people have been able to master the strategy of vomiting, but you have got it down! and don't let me forget the sounds of a freshly born baby that you can make. these are the things that I admire greatly about you.