This is MWE and KNB speaking. KNB is a guest speaker on Tayhookid's brand new blog post at Soriso Clothing's request, thanks to DeepThoughtsAndLove. Meg's Window and Hottest&Freshest can get a shout out too.
MWE says KNB is doing so good at this that I can continue this blog post on my own while he lounges in his chair and slips into a coma. Quite like a lion in a coma. Enough digressing. Today MWE came into the TEC Lab and was looking for excitement and some LOLs. So I gave it to him. After looking up some of this and some of that, we got bored and went on to this. I had used the Heritage Celebrity look alike website before, but it was being ridiculous, so we found a new one. We found out that we looked like the following celebrities:

This has provided us with about 2 hours of pure ROFL entertainment.
(But don't worry, Mikey didn't hurt his collarbone in the process)
oh how i wish i would have been there.
i am too embarrassed to say who i look like.
I have been saying for years that Mike bears an uncanny resemblance to the Gilmore Girls. In fact, I've been saying it since before the show even came out. Finally, people know what I mean when I say it!
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