The stress bug drop kicked me in the face and then sunk its teeth into my skin. It's alright though, it's good for me. I believe I have a gift of not sweating the stress, but when it comes to finances and budgets, I feel that it all goes a little over my head. While enjoying examining my monies, I navigated to BYU's website and found this guy:

This is the face of a man who is not happy.

This is the face of a man who is not happy.
GREAT POST!!!! Dont worry bud, i got a few ideas that will make us the big bucks, you just keep working on that cd and i'll take care of the rest
MIKEY THAT WAS AN AWESOME POST!! I THINK IT'S A LOT BETTER THAN DANE THOUGHT IT WAS. I laughed out loud about the guy who doesn't smile that is speaking on happiness. You saw me.
dane and kelli.i dont really get why this is such an awesome post? i have had better. i am sure this is my shortcoming.
but mikey:
the title?
are those both words for the "word of the day" email?
those are not word of the day emails. I am able to be bright and show off a fantastic vocabulary without daily emails. But, to be honest, I think I learned them when i wrote a paper on Obama's stimulus package last semester so my genius is not natural.
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