Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Score: 9 Time: 636

I officially have more than 2 pages worth of blog now. It seems like just yesterday my Team Leader requested I spend my time at work creating this blog. I never thought it would amount to anything, but it has. My ideas and theories have reached hundreds, maybe thousands. I've also seen myself mature over this blogging time. Who cares about baby safety month anymore? I sure as heck-fire don't.

I went to a Hebrew Choir last night. I sat in the front and center. The red curtains and the yellow light asked me to be uncomfortable, so I did and was and had and were and complied. One of the spring holiday songs ended with this as the English translation:

"Sew me clothes with pockets; fill those pockets with nuts"

That made me laugh, but it also made me laugh. It is something I've thought about since. This was obviously something very special to these people. What type of things would by my equivalent? In experimentation, I sang to myself some possibilities:

"Sew me clothes with pockets; fill those pockets with Drew Barrymore"...no, that's not it.
"Sew me clothes with pockets; fill those pockets with plaster of Paris"...nope.
"Sew me clothes with pockets; fill those pockets with Faberge eggs" ...there it is.

1 comment:

Kellee Marie Cook said...

I still care about baby safety month..


"Sew me clothes with pockets; fill those pockets with michael william ellis IV"

there's my version.